重慶升降平臺是屬于特種設備,,對于操作人員來說,,需要有操作相關證件。操作人員需要具備一些必要的職業(yè)素養(yǎng),。Hangzhou lifting platform is a special equipment, for the operator, the need to operate the relevant documents. ...
1.重慶升降平臺安全帶的掛鉤或繩子應掛在結實牢固的構件上或專為掛安全帶用的鋼絲繩上,。禁止掛在移動或不牢固的物件上。The hook or the rope of the safety belt of Hangzhou lifting platform should be hung on the solid compo...
重慶升降平臺下降靠自身重量為動力,將活塞下部的油壓出去,,自身漸漸下降,。Ningbo lift platform down by its own weight as the driving force, the lower part of the hydraulic pressure out of their own, gradually decrea...
1.重慶升降平臺對物體體積較寬或較長有特殊要求的。Hangzhou lifting platform for the volume of the object is wider or longer with special requirements.
2.一般重慶升降平臺高度不應高于25米的,。General Hangzhou lif...