熱門關(guān)鍵詞: 液壓升降平臺 導(dǎo)軌式升降機 移動式升降平臺 固定式升降機 鋁合金升降平臺
1.重慶升降平臺安全帶的掛鉤或繩子應(yīng)掛在結(jié)實牢固的構(gòu)件上或?qū)閽彀踩珟в玫匿摻z繩上,。禁止掛在移動或不牢固的物件上,。The hook or the rope of the safety belt of Hangzhou lifting platform should be hung on the solid component or the steel wire rope used for hanging the safety belt. To prohibit hanging on a moving or not solid object.
2.高處工作應(yīng)一律使用工具袋。較大的工具應(yīng)用繩拴在牢固的構(gòu)件上,不準隨便亂放,,以防止從高空墜落發(fā)生事故,。High work should be used all the tool bag. Large tool rope tied to the firm structure, no misplacing, to prevent from falling accident.
3.在進行高處工作時,除有關(guān)人員處,,浙江升降貨梯不準他人在工作地點的下面行或逗留,,杭州升降平臺工作地點下面應(yīng)圍欄或裝設(shè)其他保護裝置,防止落物傷人,。如在格柵式的平臺上工作,,為了防止工具和器材掉落,應(yīng)鋪設(shè)木板,。In the above work, in addition to the relevant personnel, Zhejiang cargo lifter allowed others in the workplace or stay below, following Hangzhou lifting platform work site should be equipped with a fence or other protective device, to prevent falling objects wounding. If the grid work in the platform, in order to prevent the tools and equipment dropped, should be laid.
4.不準將工具及材料上下投擲,,要用繩系牢后往下或往上吊送,以免打傷下方工作人員或擊毀腳手架,。Tools and materials are not allowed to be on the throw, with a rope to fasten to hang down or after delivery, to avoid injuring the staff or destroy the scaffolding below.
5.上下層同時進行工作時,,中間必須搭設(shè)嚴密牢固的防護隔板,罩棚或其他隔離設(shè)施,,工作人員必須戴安全帽,。The work at the same time, the middle partition must be erected in door tight and firm, tent or other isolation facilities, staff must wear a helmet.
6.重慶升降平臺冬季在低于零下十度進行露天高處工作,必要時應(yīng)該在施工地區(qū)附近設(shè)有取暖的休息所,,取暖設(shè)備應(yīng)有專人管理,,注意防火。Hangzhou lifting platform in winter at less than ten degrees below zero to work, if necessary, should be in the vicinity of the construction area of the heating of the rest, heating equipment should be managed, pay attention to fire.
7.在6級及以上的大風以及暴雨,、打雷,、大霧等惡劣天氣,應(yīng)停止露天高處作業(yè),。In the 6 level and above the wind and rain, thunder, fog and other inclement weather, should stop open height.
8.重慶升降平臺禁止登在不堅固的結(jié)構(gòu)上(如石棉瓦屋頂)進行工作,。為了防止誤登,應(yīng)在這種結(jié)構(gòu)的必要地點掛上警告牌,。Hangzhou lifting platform to prohibit the board in the rugged structure (such as asbestos roof) to work. Warning signs should be put in place to prevent accidental boarding.