熱門關(guān)鍵詞: 液壓升降平臺 導(dǎo)軌式升降機 移動式升降平臺 固定式升降機 鋁合金升降平臺
日常生活中,,由于對液壓貨梯的使用不當(dāng),往往會出現(xiàn)升降無力或者是 升不起的現(xiàn)象,下面羅列一下產(chǎn)生這種現(xiàn)象的幾種可能性原因:
Daily life, due to the improper use of hydraulic freight elevator, and often appear unable or lift up the phenomenon can not afford to, the following list of what produce several possibilities reasons for this phenomenon:
1 gear pump is damaged, played no oil pressure can be achieved by replacing the gear pump.
2.手動泵單向閥卡死,,回位失靈,解決辦法旋開油泵閥口螺栓,、檢修,、 清洗,更換清潔液壓油,。
2 manual pump check valve stuck, return failure, the solution to unscrew bolts oil valve opening, maintenance, cleaning, replacement of clean hydraulic oil.
3 hand pumps, gear pumps serious oil spills, the solution to replace the pump seals.
4 filter clogging, replacement or cleaning solutions.
5 hydraulic oil shortage, the solution add enough hydraulic oil
6.回油閥未關(guān)閉 解決辦法旋緊回油閥,。
6 oil return valve is not closed solution tighten the oil return valve.
7.支持閥或電磁換向閥動作失靈 A、電磁線圈輸入電壓不足240V,。B,、電 磁線圈燒壞C、閥芯卡死,。解決辦法檢修或更換,。
7 support action failure valve or solenoid valve A, the electromagnetic coil input voltage less than 240V. B, solenoid coil burned C, valve stuck. Solution repair or replacement.
8.超負荷 每臺升降梯都有自己的額定載重量,一旦超載起升,,就會出現(xiàn) 起升無力或升不起來的現(xiàn)象,,減少載重使其在載重量范圍內(nèi)可解決這個 問題。
8 overload Each has its own lift rated load, once the overload lifting, lifting appears unable or does not rise up phenomenon, reducing the load so that it can solve this problem within the load range.
9.A circuit breaker, the solution is to check the button contacts and fuses.