熱門關(guān)鍵詞: 液壓升降平臺 導(dǎo)軌式升降機 移動式升降平臺 固定式升降機 鋁合金升降平臺
重慶升降機較大的滑輪則由輪緣,、具有肋板的輪幅和輪載組成 ,?;喭ǔS没诣T鐵 ,、鑄鋼 或球墨鑄鐵等材料來鑄造,,或以粉末冶金壓制而成,。那么貨梯滑輪有哪些類型呢,?
Zhejiang goods ladder according to the relative position of the fixed pulley is, a fixed pulley and the movable pulley two class.
Zhejiang goods ladder according to the effect of a pulley, the pulley, the pulley and the guide pulley three time.
Zhejiang goods ladder according to runner how many points, a single round the pulley and the pulley two kinds of multi wheel.
Zhejiang goods ladder by splint form, with open and closed two.
Zhejiang goods ladder to hang in different ways, a hook type, ring type, hanging beam and chain etc.