1 see whether there is a "Hangzhou lifting platform overhaul" sign. Come before the elevator, passengers should see whether there is "stop the elevator before hanging ladder overhaul" sign, if hung this sign, that the elevator is repair, passengers do not take.
2 see there is no safety signs. Take Hangzhou lifting platform, first of all to whether there is a safety inspection issued by the Department of quality and technology supervision of qualified sign check the elevator, check whether the validity period, both to ensure the safety of.
3 see whether overload. Hangzhou lifting platform overload is easy to cause safety accidents, when the elevator because of overload, should take the initiative to withdraw from, wait for the next trip and then take a seat.
4 see whether the normal operation of. Hangzhou lifting platform stop, passengers and elevator should observe the floor elevator car and the floor is flush, if uneven, illustrate the elevator fault exists, it shall promptly notify the elevator service unit.